Smart solutions to use mobile devices for healthcare
Since 2007 we are building applications for smartphones. The first ones included combinations of Mobile Internet, SMS, Near Field Communications (NFC) and Bluetooth. Thanks to the background of the investing parties there is often some sort of payment service included.
It may sound obvious, but all apps and pilots have to add value and make life easier for the users.
Today, we realise studies, pilots and services for mhealth, but we do more, also with many different partners. We also have built apps for shopping, vending , loyalty, education and rewarding. And as a result of being early, a high ‘innovation grade’ and appealing use cases, we receive good (global) PR and feedback.
The learnings from all these initiatives come together when we address the challenges of chronic diseases, especially children with diabetes type 1. More and more the use of artificial intelligence is contributing. We are continuously working on better predictions, convenience and decision support.
We started the first SweetMotion diabetes management project in The Netherlands as a partnership between Rabobank, Rabo Mobiel, Achmea, The Health Agency, Telecom4Care, Diabeter and the MobileHealth Foundation. This project is described in more detail on the MobileHealth and SweetMotion pages.